At the latest since the introduction of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018, the topic of data protection has repeatedly been part of the public discourse. The right of every individual to the protection of their personal data is already enshrined in Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The GDPR only concretises this protection.
The General Data Protection Regulation contains provisions on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. It aims to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons - in particular their right to protection of their own personal data.
In other words, the GDPR describes our personal rights to informational self-determination. We ourselves should be able to determine the disclosure and use of our personal data. And these rights lead to obligations and provisions that companies and organisations must comply with.
But especially in the professional environment, data protection is seen by many people as a hindrance. Data protection is often associated only with restrictions and prohibitions. And that is a real pity, because it serves to protect the personal data of all of us.
The GDPRism project aims to support organisations and staff in adult education in planning and implementing projects in a data protection compliant manner. The target group of the project is therefore basically employees who are responsible for the planning and implementation of projects and educational offers. In addition to staff from administration, this also includes trainers and teachers from vocational and adult education.
In developing the content, the project also specifically addresses organisations that run projects in the ERASMUS+ environment. Nevertheless, the project results have a general validity and can also be used by other organisations and institutions.
By building expertise and competences within the organisation, the project supports the target group in their digital transformation.
EDUCOMMART is responsible, among other things, for the quality assurance of the project and its contents. Furthermore, it will use its experience in dissemination and the existing far-reaching network to disseminate the project idea and results and will be responsible for the documentation and evaluation of the dissemination results.
In order to establish data protection as a central topic in everyday professional life, the essential basics must first be taught. What is data protection actually? What do we mean by personal data? What rights and obligations does the General Data Protection Regulation entail for me and my organisation? This content is prepared in the form of an e-learning module that enables people from adult education to acquire the basic knowledge and apply it in their own organisation.
This learning unit is complemented by a guideline for handling project data and participant data. This guideline describes the data protection-compliant implementation of a project using an ERASMUS+ project as an example.
In addition, the project documents and makes available concrete instructions, checklists and best practices that help to take data protection regulations into account in everyday life. This includes, for example, the selection of suitable online tools for preparing, conducting and following up lessons conducting and following up lessons according to data protection criteria.
Programme: Erasmus+
Titel: GDPRism | Practical data protection in further education and projects – An upskilling pathway for European organization
Acronym: GDPRism
Project No.: 2022-1-DE02-KA210-ADU-000082396
Duration: 18 months
Start-End: 01\09\2022 – 01\03\2024
Coordinator: Medienkompetenz Team e.V., DE
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.